Yasha Grobman presents two research projects in CAADRIA conference in Kyoto 5/2014
Yasha Grobman lectures on Performalism and performance based design in NCCA moscow and March graduate architecture school.
Finalists (1/4) in the open competition to design the Israeli pavilion in Expo 2015 in Milan, Italy
Link to the proposal video (the architectural proposal starts at 0:53)...
Best project award in the Ecologic Public buildings category for the design of the Porter School of Environmental Studies. In Sustainable Architectural Design conference n.4: Sustainable Synergy: Buildings, Environment and Society. Bait Vanoy. 25/11/2013
Enjoy a video on the construction of the Porter building.
The Porter Leed Platinum Green Building. In The Second Annual Conference of the Israel Green Building Council. 2.9.2013. Tel Aviv University. Israel.
“Green until the roof” – on the design of the LEED platinum Porter School of Environmental studies. ZeZeZe gallery. Feb 2013
Link to the lecture's video...
Second place in an invited competition by Tel Aviv Municipality for new type of exhibition space
A new invited competition entry for a winery visiting center by Yasha Grobman in collaboration with Arielle Blonder
"5 Moments" exhibition, the inguration exhibition of the new architecture and design wing in the Tel Aviv Museum, that was designed and co curated by Yasha Grobman and Arielle Blonder opened on November 1st.
Yasha Grobman and Ruth Ron present a paper on digital form finding at ECAADE 2011, Ljubljana
Performalism: Form and Performance in Digital Architecture book edited by Yasha Grobman and Eran Neuman is now released. The book was published by Routledge Press.
Yasha Grobman and Arielle Bloder where invited to curate and design the first architecture exhibition in the new architecture wing located inside the new building of the Tel Aviv Museum by Preston Scott Cohen.
Yasha Grobman lectures at the Ar. Tec conference on "Performalism - Trajectories in Digital Design.
Yasha Grobman and Eric Amster lectures on Health Promoting Environments in Haifa University.
Yasha Grobman lectures on the evolution of digital design at Bezalel School of Architecture.
Yasha Grobman and Arielle Blonder lecture on Green Renovation at the Jerusalem Conference for Green Building.
The new design for the Porter School of Environmental Studies (PSES) is presented at the AI project of the year exhibition in ZEZEZE Gallery
Raquel Vert in collaboration with AX-GR has won the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Los Angeles Merit award for excellence in architectural design for the design of the Spitzer-Salant School of Social Work and the Deichman Center for Social Interaction at Ben-Gurion University of The Negev, Israel.
Yasha Grobman lectures on digital fabrication and performance oriented design at Tel Aviv University Azrieli School of Architecture.
Irit Axelrod wins "Ot Haitzov" design award in the office design category and was among the finalist in the residential category.
Third place in the AI Best Architectural Project of the Year 2009 competition – un built projects category for the design of porter School of Environmental Studies. Axelrod Grobman Architects in collaboration with architects Joseph Cory and Nir Chen.
Yasha Grobman together with Roth Ron and Matthew Swarts win the Academic Encouragement Award in the 3D VR Simulation Contest by UC-win/Road at The 3rd International VR Symposium 11/2009, Tokyo, Japan.
Raquel Vert in collaboration with Axelrod Grobman Architects win the Yuli Ofer First Prize for Advancement of Architecture. Jury chaired by Architect Richard Meier.
Yasha Grobman presents the office design work and research in a public lecture at Northeastern University - Oct 19th 2009.
Raquel Vert in collaboration with Axelrod grobman Architects receive the AI Best Architectural Project of the Year 2008 Design award (out of about 300 international submissions) for the design of the Spitzer-Salant School of Social Work and the Deichman Center for Social Interaction at Ben-Gurion University of The Negev, Israel. Jury chaired by Architect Richard Meier.